Business Outlook Industrial Area Sector Property 2017

Property Magazine Indonesia (MPI) to review the business outlook for the property sector in 2017. Among the industrial area. Mentioned as a country with a population of a large workforce, the industrial sector is one of the leading sectors in the economy of Indonesia.

The concentration of industrial activity still in Greater Jakarta and Karawang, where many stands per usahaan- foreign enterprises in scale large, in addition to local companies. The development theme industrial township developed in Bekasi and Karawang because of the breadth and affordable prices available land and rising population in these areas that could potentially have a workforce that is plentiful and inexpensive.

Jabodetabek a labor center with skilledlabour (skilled labor), while manual labor are found in areas other than the outer bead Jabodetabek.Di, certain parts of the distribution gateway directly abroad is Surabaya, Medan, Balikpapan, Makassar, Batam, Bintan and Central Java.

area of ​​industrial land in Greater Jakarta alone has reached 10.770 hectares. with the level of industrial land sales of about 88%. Some of the sectors which are the demand drivers are FMCG, Machineries- Metals- Electronics and Basic Industry. In recent years the logistics company quite actively searching for land to build a warehousing facility in the bonded area / bonded zone.

As e-commerce businesses are “rising”, then one of the branches of industry sectors warehousing products, many sought by enterprise e-com-merce used for storage of a wide range of e-commerce.

the industrial sector has also been a priority for the government supported its survival. Therefore, the development of various infrastrukturdi various regions in Indonesia, for example the expansion of ports, railways, roads and bridges that support the effi ciency of distribution of goods, accelerated by the government because it in turn will support economic growth.

Effort – government efforts to revive the sector has encouraged pro like that is still ongoing and page conveniently visible effect at least within a year to depan.Oleh Therefore, how quickly recovery propertiakan sector depends on several factors; The first successful implementation of tax amnesty.

The program has been running for about six months and will be closed at the end of the first quarter of 2017. It is expected that tax revenue from this program increased drastically so that it can be used to develop / improve infrastructure in various regions. In addition, the repatriation of funds, is expected to be invested in real estate so that the increased demand in this sector.

Second, accelerate the development of infrastructure. The faster development of infrastructure eg roads, bridges, airports and ports will increase the value of the property around the development. In addition, it will also grow pengembanganpengemba Ngan new property in the vicinity or at a location through which the individual infrastructure development of roads and bridges.

Third, stabiliasi Rupiah, especially against the USD. With the strengthening of the rupiah exchange rate, then the costs will be controlled so pengembanganpun will further lighten the developer so that the product price can be more competitive propertipun. Competitive price can increase sales of property products.

And fourth, the policies formulated by the new cabinet. Regulations / policies are very effective in controlling economic sectors including sectors properti.Oleh Therefore, diharapkanagar government policy can alleviate developers and property buyers. One is a decrease in income tax and transfer fees hakatas land and buildings, from 5% to 1% -2.5% range. Riz MPI / Leads Property. MPI digital version can be accessed via:

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