Eco-Friendly Home? How How Sih?

Illustration (Rumah123 / iStockphoto)

Planet Earth’s rise in temperature. Sea water began to rise. Air pollution continues to increase. Garbage piled everywhere.

Damage continues to occur on Earth? Ah, do not be too lebay to join the demonstration or so activists deh environmental activities.

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There are the easiest way to become part of eco-friendly. You can start from home really. Let’s start from the smallest thing.

First, create a garden. Your house is too narrow? Ah, says who? Gardening or planting plants vertically can be done anyway.

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Take advantage of the wall in front of the patio or roof of the house. Put some plants in pots in the living room or family room.

Second, go vintage. Take advantage of secondhand goods. If there is a sofa, coffee table, or chair relics of parents or grandparents who can still be used, so use it.

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You can reduce consumerism. You can apply a vintage design, eclectic, or traditional ethnic.

Third, implement energy-saving lives. As much as possible to make room has natural light from the sun during the day. Install lights are energy efficient, albeit expensive but usually durable.

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At night, do not forget to turn off lights in rooms that are not used , Also, turn off dispenser, refrigerator, or other electronic equipment that is not used when you sleep.

Fourth, repair and not replace. If the goods are damaged, repaired as much as possible. Unless it is damaged and should be discarded.

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If you want to stay, make it a habit to treat and clean furniture, furnishings, or electronic equipment used .

Actually, not too difficult, too right to realize an environmentally friendly home? Let’s start now.

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