2017 Property Business More Okay, this indicator

Housing-Estate.com, Jakarta – Many stared in 2017 less than 1 month longer will we have entered will be more promising for the property sector. The weakening property sector is said to have reached its lowest point in 2016 so that in 2017 the situation will be better. Therefore at the end of 2016 among developers already have more confidence to launch a new project.

Robert Pakpahan

Optimism situation property sector next year is brighter this is justified by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) , According to the Financing and Risk Management Director, Ministry of Finance Robert Pakpahan, there are some indicators that can make us more optimistic looked at the real estate business in 2017.

“Our growth will reach 5.1 per cent while other countries are still a lot of minus or zero coma, we maintained inflation at 4 percent, the interest rate of Bank Indonesia (BI) is only 5.3 percent, and state spending reached Rp2.000 trillion. This is a huge figure that will drive the economy and certainly a good impact on the property sector, “he said while speaking at the National Conference (National Conference) Real Estate Indonesia (REI) in Jakarta, this weekend.

The government, Robert , planned revenues for next year’s target is more realistic with declining tax revenue target. It is the first time this has happened for the period of 2016 tax revenue is smaller than the target so that it makes government more realistic calculations of state revenue and projected business.

selanjutanya, the allocation for the education budget will reach Rp416 trillion, health Rp104 trillion, and for the development of infrastructure reached Rp387,3 trillion. For the budget deficit is also maintained at 3 percent and it is at the foundation of our economy remains good despite often called the government continues to owe.

Robert explained, the government debt is not more than 3 percent and this figure is excellent when compared neighboring countries that could reach 4-5 percent even in Brazil reached 10 percent. A good base is believed will make the business climate better in 2017 than this year.

“The government will also transfer energy subsidies and spending less productive to the real sector fields such as infrastructure projects. With a budget of Rp 2,000 trillion, this impact would be enormous for the property sector. Ranked easy doing business we also continue to rise and this will make more and more foreign investment into Indonesia, “he concluded.


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