JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The impact of the entry into force of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), trade and business activities become more open among the countries in Southeast Asia.
Any entrepreneur or foreign developers can easily enter and build properties in Indonesia .
However, in terms of the quality of buildings, Indonesia is not inferior to foreign.
“there is no excess of either the investor a local or national level. I said if local investors in terms of quality and others there are better. It depends also projects that they are working on, “said Chairman of Real Estate Indonesia (REI) Eddy Hussy when meeting with the media Journalists Forum of Housing, Thursday (11/10/2016).
Eddy said, this time foreign companies have a lot to go to Indonesia and glanced at the property market.
It has been incredible considering the development of Indonesia is already international. Excess foreign developers to enter Indonesia is due to capital owned more powerful than local developers.
“In terms of interest rate cost of funds less than us, but from the quality of some that we are better than them. It should be more learned, “said Eddy.
While the quality of the project, he added, depending on the selected segment. If the project for the middle class, it could be the quality is almost the same.
However, for projects with a segmentation of the upper classes, the possibility of building specifications are higher.
“Overall not much difference. Expertise in marketing , design, and others, we can compensate, “said Eddy.
further, he said, compared to foreign, local developers have a surplus building in Indonesia. Because the local developers already understand the conditions of the field development.
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