424 Regency / City Building Bylaw Have

Jakarta – Since the enactment of the Act (Act) No. 28 of 2002 on Building (UU BG) and Government Regulation No. 36 of 2005 concerning the Implementing Regulations of Law No. 28 of 2002 on Building, there have been 424 counties and cities, or 83 , 3 percent of which have legislation Building.

Director General of Human Settlements Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (Kempupera), Sri Hartayo said local regulations (Perda) on Building (Perda BG) is a very important instrument in the administration building in an area that can be implemented in an orderly and technical.

“in the 13 years since the enactment of Law BG, the number of districts / cities that already have legislation building up to this time are 424 districts / cities or equivalent to 83.3 percent of the 509 districts / cities across the districts / cities in Indonesia, “said Sri Hartayo in Jakarta, Tuesday (22/11).

According to him, the year 2016 is the last year drafting assistance BG draft law through the state budget. “Starting in 2017, the Directorate General of Cipta Karya through the Directorate of Planning Building, has concentrated on assisting the implementation of legislation BG for districts / cities that already have legislation BG,” he said.

In order to accelerate the completion of regulation Building, 2016 the Directorate General of Cipta Karya pursuing a strategy of acceleration of the settlement legislation through a series of mentoring activities, which consists of the coordination meeting, meeting the technical coordination (Rakornis) in the provincial capital, and a final meeting in Jakarta.

in the implementation of the coordination meeting beginning and end meetings, carried out cooperation between Kempupera with the Ministry of the Interior (Kemdagri) and the Ministry of Justice and human rights.

“Moreover, this activity involves districts / cities that have achievements during the process of preparing draft legislation BG to motivate counties / city to the other to immediately pass supporting legislation BG in the region, “added Sri Hartoyo.

Directorate General of Cipta Karya has also provided model legislation on Building and Implementation Guide activities, which is one form of technical assistance from the Central Government.

“Model regulation BG can assist local governments in preparing the draft legislation BG thus setting therein in accordance with the mandate of the Act and regulation Building,” he said.

According to Sri Hartayo regulations Building already done since since 2003 ago.
Act No. 28 of 2002 and Government Regulation No. 36 of 2005 concerning the Implementing Regulations of Law No. 28 of 2002 on Building, mandates the preparation of Regional Regulations as an umbrella law as well as implementation guidelines for buildings in the area.

In addition, in the spirit of regional autonomy as stipulated in Law No. 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government, the implementation of buildings in the area widened by local governments, including the implementation of building Permit (IMB) and the Certificate of Eligible Function (SLF), which should be regulated in the law building.

Imam Muzakir / FER

Investor Daily


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