Sofyan Would Libas Mafia Land, Jakarta – Land becomes complicated issues that require government attention. The problem is not limited to the absence of the stock of land controlled by the government for development and the dominance of private ownership of land, but also the amount of land mafia in the community. The mafia exploits it brings up a lot of land disputes and disrupt development. “The forms (land mafia) Miscellaneous, there is a tie, the bearded, robed, uniform, uniform BPN again,” said Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / Head of National Land Agency (ATR / BPN), Sofyan Djalil, in front of the participants of the National Congress (National Conference) Real Estate Indonesia (REI) to 15 in Jakarta, Tuesday (29/11).

Sofyan Djalil

They operate by bringing false documents such as girik and eigendom verponding.Eigendom verponding ( EV) is proof of ownership issued by the Dutch colonists. They operate by involving a number of people including actors PPAT. Sofyan stated when finding mafia such documents will be confiscated and the person arrested to go to jail.

In addition to avoiding disputes BPN will certify massively. This year one million certificates issued, in 2017 as many as five million certificates, and in 2018 eight million certificates. The target in 2025 all over the ground in Indonesia registered everything. For that BPN will expand by recruiting 3,000 surveyors independent surveyor. They will be based in various locations in strategic places in the side of the road to be easily identified communities. Surveyors have become obstacles certification because their number is very limited and should be in line.

Sofyan said the institute is conducting internal repairs. Service to the community will continue to be improved. If there are officials who do not perform and hamper the public to report directly to him. For that he opened a channel of communication via WhatsApp on 0811 85 4482. “If there is a problem regarding land report to me through the channel. Later I will share all relevant parties in BPN, in this way usually settled quickly. Likewise with PPAT, if there is cause problems to report, then we fired, “he added.

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