Istana Negara Not Have Certificate, Sri Mulyani Worry grandson Daendels Claim

JAKARTA – Sri Mulyani had twice served as Minister of Finance. Earlier, Sri Mulyani served as finance minister on May 7, 2005 until May 20, 2010.

Sri Mulyani said, while serving as finance minister in the first period of 2005, there are several challenges that had to face. One such challenge is the certificate of land and buildings.


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He stated, the Presidential Palace or the Presidential Palace into one of the state assets that do not have a certificate. In fact, at that time, Sri Mulyani was worried this asset will be claimed by the descendants of the Governor General Herman Willem Daendels who had served as Governor General of the Dutch East Indies in 1808-1810.

“The building occupied by the president, the palace was baseball certificate, I was worried it could have been her granddaughter Daendels ngeklaim,” said Sri Mulyani laughter greeted the invited guests, Jakarta, Wednesday (30/11/2016) ,

Therefore, the certification of state assets was performed. This is one of the first challenges faced by Sri Mulyani while serving as Minister of Finance.

“But it’s amazing that we did. So it’s an asset we organize it, write off, and it is a challenge,” he concluded.

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