Able to Fund Government Only 10 Percent Sanitation Needs Rp 202 Trillion

JAKARTA, – Access to sanitation throughout Indonesia is considered inadequate, and only reached 67 percent.

To achieve the target of 100 percent access to improved sanitation in 2019 by the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN), funding is needed not less than Rp 202 trillion.

“in our RPJMN no funding figures Rp 20.7 trillion for five years. Only 10 percent of the total needs,” said Director of Infrastructure Integration Settlement Dwityo Akoro Soeranto, in Jakarta, on Tuesday (29/11/2016).

According Dwityo, the government must find other sources of funding so that the target of 100 per cent access to sanitation can be achieved.

One through sAIIG or Australia Infrastructure Grant program -lndonesia for sanitation.

He admits, the regents and mayors actually been attempted by following the program, but expected more local government (local government) who want to participate.

Section, capacity assistance given Australia is still very large. From $ 404 billion, which is absorbed and disbursed to local governments only Rp 10 billion.

“Going forward, we must work together (local and national governments). Dana local governments is still lacking, among which can be obtained through this sAIIG. Its potential should be utilized as much as possible, to reduce the gap today, “said Dwityo.

Based on data compiled by, ideal requirement of Rp 202 trillion is divided on the State Budget (APBN), Budgets, and others, including the private and public sectors.

From the state budget, the ideal amount of funding of Rp 97 trillion. While the budget and each of the other Rp 25 trillion and Rp 80 trillion.

As of RPJMN can be met at Rp 20.7 trillion comes from the Sewers Waste (SPAL) Centralized, SPAL Communal, SPAL Region, SPAL Local or sewerage water treatment plant (waste treatment plant), as well as the setting, coaching, and supervision.

If translated each of these funds, namely SPAL Centralized Rp 9.8 trillion, Rp 3.1 trillion Communal SPAL and SPAL Region (Rp 2.3 trillion).

Then, IPLT Rp 3.7 trillion and Rp 1.8 trillion for the regulation, supervision and oversight.

properti.kompas. com

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