JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The high number of accidents that occurred in the number of workers konstrukai project or structure, a homework for government and business entities.
In fact, the safety standards already have a legal framework regarding Occupational Health and Safety (K3). The legal protection stipulated in Law No. 13 of 2003.
“Obligations of the business world are implementing K3 coupled with supervision. Do not just no rules, but there are guns oversight,” said Head Section of Supervision Norma Ergonomics and Work Environment The Ministry of Labour Muhammad Fertiaz, at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/09/2016).
sebenarnnya business company already provides the equipment and Personal Protective equipment (PPE) Indonesian National Standard ( SNI).
However, the main problems is the implementation of K3 has not been done systematically.
On the one hand, that workers are actually survived when carrying out its work, enterprises need the implementation of K3 management.
thus, not only the equipment that is important, but also look for a result that allowed the accident.
“Hence see K3 is not only partial but a system manajamen K3,” said Fertiaz.
According to the Social Security Agency (BPJS) employment 2015, the number of workplace accidents reached 105 182 cases.
of the total, the case of the most common are accidents of workers falling from height, which is as much as 38 percent.
this accident could occur during the construction of buildings or bridges.
in addition, the accident also occurred at the time of their telecommunication tower signal interference or needs improvement.
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