Puan Maharani Ask Basuki Give Help Sanipura Awards Winners 2016

BANDA ACEH, KOMPAS.com – Association of District / City Sanitation Care (Akkopsi) gave awards to 10 cities or counties in the best performance in the areas of sanitation or clean water throughout 2016.

Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani asked the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki to help the 10 cities / districts.

“I expected to already be awards, Minister PUPR give an affirmative program is more like heavy equipment to support increased empowerment thus people are more productive, “said Puan time how City Sanitation Summit (CSS) Rakernas Akkopsi XVI and VIII in Banda Aceh, Thursday (24/11/2016).

this aid may spur other regional heads to increase its commitment in terms of healthy life for the community.

According to Puan, assistance is also consistent with the program of the Ministry PUPR synergy with the community Movement healthy living (Germas).

in response, Basuki said it would carry out the request of Puan and gave assistance to Sanipura Award winner.

“I would like to respond to commands Menko PMK. That was the (request) fine once but it was an order, “said Basuki.

He explained, has asked the Chairman Akkopsi to map the needs of regents or mayors who received Sanipura Award.

These needs can programmatic or heavy equipment. Follow up this assistance, Basuki said, will be implemented in 2017.

the area was awarded Sanipura award namely Gunung Kidul District, Magetan, Sleman District, the city of Bogor and Makassar.

Then, Balikpapan, Banda Aceh, Muara Enim, Ngawi, and Surabaya.


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