Now Build Houses Can Be Cheaper and Faster

Bogor, – 500 students from various universities in Indonesia to show off in the event Fabricated House Competition (FHC) in 2016, which was held in Sporthall PT Indocement, Citeureup, Bogor regency, on Thursday (11/10/2016).

in the event, all participants from the department of Civil Engineering and Architects science is challenged to build a miniature house manufacturing with a scale of 1: 2.5 within 3 hours.

Marketing Service PT Indocement Tunggal Tbk Kelvin Tjandar said, fabricated House competition is part of one of the competition categories Indocement Awards 2016.

Kelvin explained, fabricated House competition is competition-based cement manufacturing home design, open frame concept, in which the wall panels are non- structural.

With the competition, said Kelvin is expected that the students can develop their creativity to create a home manufacturing that takes into account elements of strength, stiffness (stability), innovation, economy, environmental friendliness, durability and ease of implementation.

There are eight teams from eight colleges that fall into this final round, the State University of Malang, Maranatha University and Catholic University of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta.

Following the UB, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Institute of Technology November, State Polytechnic Bandung and Lampung University.

Chairman of the jury Fabricated House competition 2016 Tavio revealed, the purpose of this competition is not just the arena of competition between students, but can be applied to society.

“The point is to use materials environmentally friendly, inexpensive, and easy installation, so that people can install on your own. So, buy a pair himself. The fare can also be pressed as cheaply as possible, “said Tavio.

Competitions like this needs support from industry and government. Many of the akedimisi as students develop their works but do not get attention, both from the industry or government.

Not only that, Tavio continue, should the works resulting from the hands of students can be distributed to downstream and utilized by the public.

“the students of the college’s work a lot, but do not know what to dikemanakan afterwards. Hopefully this is not stuck just winners only. If there are still shortcomings can still be increased further in order to be cheaper, “he said.

Tavio revealed, for one housing unit manufacturing 36 types ranging from Rp 60 million to Rp 100 million.

This maybe the house is a bargain. But unfortunately, the house manufacturing is not yet mass produced.

If it has been mass-produced, he added, may be down 20 percent to 30 percent of the price.

” can be very affordable. Later cooperation with the government and the bank so that it can be credited much cheaper again. Just be sure this is not intercepted, is still a work of students, “he concluded.

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