New developers hoped Have Long-Term Commitment

JAKARTA, – A number of policies to encourage property business prompted many entrepreneurs whose core business is different, join glance.

policies and the deregulation of which a tax amnesty or a tax amnesty, simplification of licensing, to easing loan to value ( LTV).

“the number of new companies, one thing to note is that its core business is not property, they have a commitment,” said Vice Chairman of Real Estate Indonesia (REI) Theresia Rustandi, during a press conference in Jakarta, Thursday (11/10/2016).

Business Listing, said Theresia, requires long-term commitment. The developers of the property which is the core business, will fight as best he could in order to keep it running.

While the new developer whose core business is not property, not only taking advantage itself by a hit-and-run. Because the property industry is highly related to one another. Even among his players.

“A lot of players came in, we were not worried. The property industry is quite unique. Its not a competition but complementary,” said Therese.

If in one area only one developers, the area will be developed over time. By contrast, if a lot of developer time act, an area will be faster development.

“So if there is a project stalled, the property next to it will be affected, too. People can question the project stalled also what guns here,” said Theresia.

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