Land Limited, Kota Bogor Maximize Open Space Green

BANDA ACEH, – green open space (RTH) in Bogor, West Java, has not reached 10 percent. This means it is still less than 20 percent of the provisions set by law No. 26 of 2007 on Spatial Planning.

The law requires RTH area of ​​at least 30 percent of the total area of ​​the city. To add green space in the “City of Rain”, the Mayor of Bogor Bima Arya Sugiarto said he did not only focus on quantity, but also quality.

“The problems in Bogor is the lack of land. So we focus on improving the quality of the land available, “said Bima to on the sidelines of the City Sanitation Summit (CSS), on Thursday, at the University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Thursday (11/24/2016).

According to him, every in the city of Bogor always working to add quality green space. Tujuannyya, RTH could provide health effects for residents.

Last year, Bogor build 10 new park consists of several thematic parks in the city center and in other regions. While this month, Bogor completing renovations Wildlife Sempur.

“We restored function to the sport. At first park Sempur was so appropriate markets spilled,” said Bima.

During this time, people will use Parks Sempur for a number of activities, ranging from sports, get-togethers, to sell.

Every Sunday, Sempur be where hundreds of merchants hawking wares when the regular agenda “Today Toll” or Car Free Day (CFD).

During Sempur renovated, area CFD moved temporarily along Jalan Sudirman ie from Fountain Park to the gates of Bogor Palace.

the database sanitation

When the event City sanitation Summit (CSS ), a number of cities and counties receive awards Sanipura awards 2016.

Recipients of this award are recognized as a city / county that have a commitment in the field of sanitation and clean water.

Bogor city is the one that gets the award the data base in terms of monitoring and evaluation.

“We routinely incorporate all relevant data of sanitary waste and drainage. So from that, data about garbage, the condition of the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), everything is so material to the central government or city government (municipal) to evaluate the sanitary strategically, “said Bima.

He added, database this has been developed over the last 3 years.
Bogor City for the first time get Sanipura Award, although last year had won the Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Award.

Still in the same field, Bima said targets Bogor access to drinking water by 2019 is 100 percent with the achievements of the current 90 percent.

As for sanitation, the current achievement of the Bogor City by 73 percent with a target of 90 percent by 2019.

in garbage management, about 75 percent of the target of 80 percent by 2019.


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